
Game Review : Go Home by MisterObvious

Hey, guys. This is my first game review, and I hope you like it.

The game is Go Home, by MisterObvious. This guy is an old-timer ROBLOXian, that makes videos with his own voice and draws his own faces. (I lack to find the humor in them, but lots of people find them amazing!)
So here we go.

Idea of the game: 8.7/10

I personally love the idea of the game. It's about a man who was driving home from work, and was killed right before he got home by falling into a hole. His family get worried, and his daughter gets extremely sad. All this was shown in pictures where you fall in the hole. I think someone also killed the mother. There is also a way to not fall in the hole, which is by sliding across the edge of where you would normally fall in, and teleporting to the other side of the glass. You touch a teleport button and are brought to another room that keeps going on, and I'm not sure if it ends, because I disconnected when I got to the 6th room...

Gameplay: 5.4/10

No matter how you go through, you end up trapped, and something says that you only get one life, not two. If you fall in the hole, you go through the sign room, touch a trampoline, and end up in a room that has no way out, and says there is no second chance, and stuff like that. If you want to go to the family behind the glass, you end up in a room with stuff, and just go through the cabinet, and it keeps going on and on, but the cabinets start saying things like the end of the hole.

Scratch that!! I found the end. It takes your items away, and while you go through the cabinets, items suddenly disappear in the rooms. This is the last room.

Effort: 9.799/10

When I didn't know about the teleport section, I thought this game had absolutely no effort put into it, but after I saw the non-stop rooms, I was amazed. I'm a terrible scripter, so I have no idea how he can do this, which is the only reason he gets a 9.799.

Overall: 7.9663333/10

Pretty cool game, in my opinion.

*Want your game interviewed? PM Greenball10 on ROBLOX and I'll check it out!*
