
Game review: Attack of the SpongeBobs!!! READ Description! By Moose562

So once again, I join an AWFUL game. A completely free modeled game, (what a surprise) that...just fails in general!

Idea of the game: 0/10

Just another mailto:ATT@K%20OF%20TEH%20____!!111!1!1!11!!!! Game, but more failish than most. This is a COMPLETELY Free modeled game, and it's just completely lame. There's about 5000 spongebobs around, and they don't even kill you! It's just pathetic!

Gameplay: 0/10

Moose562, you did completely fail. How did this EVER get on the FIRST PAGE!?!?!? Like I said before, there are about 5,000 spongebobs that move around the baseplate. They turn you yellow, but nothing else. AT ALL. You can't even infect other people! It fails! What fails even more? The infecting doesn't kill you, but Moose allows weapons, so you can just WILLY NILLY KILL NORMAL, NON INFECTED PLAYERS OUT OF NOWHERE! I've even seen a spongebob get flung out of the baseplate!

Effort: 0/10

No effort put into this game, none whatsoever. Literally, EVERYTHING is a free model. I had people shooting me with rockets and double barrel guns out of nowhere, even when I wasn't infected, which is a failure. Effort is 0 because he...Really did put no effort into this failure of a first-page game. *Sigh* I really need to find a GOOD game out there, that hasn't been on, yet deserves to be on, the first page...Hopefully that will come soon...

Overall: 0/10

I guess you had that figured that out already, but hey. PLEASE. SOMEONE WITH A GOOD GAME, THAT HASN'T BEEN ON THE FIRST PAGE YET...PLEEEEEEEEASE! PM GREENBALL10 ON ROBLOX! (Or tweet me at @Greenball10)

*Want your game reviewed? PM Greenball10 on ROBLOX!*



Unknown said...

a lot of their free time playing.
Thank you for this information.
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