
How to make Text shining on one half!

An Example saying "Text". This is not a hard process at all!

You will need:
A brain
To listen to this tutorial :P

So for starters we open up Paint.NET. Then we click new lets say 500x500.

Then you add a new Layer and de-visible the backround by clicking the tick on the Backround Layer.

You will click text and adjust it to your liking!! I usually have it at Arial with size 70.

Type in your text and move it to the perfect place. And it should fit like this.

Then you should add the Ecclipse like this... then you could do something easy.

Get the Filler and make the colour Light Grey or Dark Grey and fill the ecclipsed side. Also don't forget to change it to Flood mode to Global.

Then Deselect it and click Effects Glow and Ok.

And there we have it I'd use this skill in my ads if I were you.

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More tutorials soon!! They will get from Simple, to Complicated.
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