
How the Easter Egg Hunt 2012 went

As if you didn't know, it's iHtc here!

We're posting about the OFFICIAL Egg Hunt 2012 - not one made by people like EggHuntz2012's un-official version.

The Easter Egg Hunt 2012 did go quite well, but by the end of the time, server's got hacked, exploited, people got weapons, some wiped the base away, and many more bad things. We'll talk about that after - let's keep on the Good News for now!

To see the picture of this game, please go to this link. Blogger wouldn't let me move the picture for some reason. (sorry those of you whose internet is reaaaaallllyyyy slow!)

The Easter Egg Hunt 2012 went great, we had more than 10,000+ people get at least two egg's, and possibly around 2500 (these figures are just estimated) got all of the eggs, without their server being hacked (see more on Hacking later)

Sadly, this place is no longer reachable, as the creator, Games has made this place inactive, so we cannot access it, he cannot earn 'Tix', and can't enter it in Competitions.

Hacking... what happened?
Sadly, many people, maybe reaching up to around 4,500 got all their egg's by going onto a hacked server. When I went onto a server, I didn't get the Virtual Egg's, but got displayed a screen-blocking message saying something like 'THIS SERVER HAS BEEN EXPLOITED BY [ CONTENT DELETED ]* Sorry for any inconvience' *I did [ CONTENT DELETED ] so you can't access the name, so you've got less of a chance of getting hacked yourself :-). This hacking was more on the Monday/Tuesday, as people knew it was their last chance to get all the egg's, but couldn't be bothered to move their fingers/mouse to get them.

If you got effected by the hacking, email ihtcblox@gmail.com - I will try to help you.

Have you got something to say? Post it in the comment's, just don't do anything naughty.
If you would like an interview by Trandev/iHtc* email me, at ihtcblox@gmail.com. I'll be happy to assist you.

*Trandev and iHtc are the same people. As I said in my 1st post on TCRN, I will be using the account Trandev soon.

+ Sadly, you have to be quite popular to be interviewed. (no where near as popular as your fav. Shedletsky)

Joint Owner (with Liama517) and Author for The Current ROBLOX News (C) 2012-12