Hey, guys! This is the first post in a long while, and this blog is becoming dead. SO, I decided to make a post. :D Here we go, and just so everyone's clear, it's my first item review, so mention me on Twitter or PM me on ROBLOX how I did! (@Greenball10, greenball10)
Basic design: 6.7/10 -- The design of the hat is one of the better designs I've seen for a hat, but since it's an item review, it isn't just hat designs. I've seen a few gears with cooler designs than this.
In-game view: 8.3/10 -- It looks really cool in game, what else do I have to say!?
Colors: 5.7/10 -- This is quite the un-colorful hat, but it does have some colors to it, which is why it isn't getting a blah review for the color section. I do enjoy the aspect of the hat, though. BOOKZILLA. He's come to pwn you.
Overall: 6.9/10 -- It's one of the cooler hats on ROBLOX, although if it was made recently, it'd probably get a 9.6/10, considering most of the new hats are BLAH.
~~Want your item reviewed? (Shirt, T-Shirt, etc.) Contact me On Twitter or ROBLOX!
~~ @Greenball10, greenball10